CUA - Drug Access Listing

Drug Access Listing

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Oral agents and Outpatient Injections

British Columbia


Medications for active cancer treatment are funded by BC Cancer for all BC Medical Services Plan patients (including First Nations Health Authority clients). These medications are supplied at no charge to registered BC cancer patients at BC Cancer Centres and Clinics. Patients may also have private drug plans that cover some or all of medication costs.


BC Pharmacare Formulary - Click Here 
BC Cancer Benefit Drug List - Click Here

(Brand Name)
Indication Strength, Route DIN Provincial Funding Eligibility Criteria References Patient Assistance Programs
Abiraterone (Zytiga) Janssen Inc. Generic mCRPC


Not specified

A BC Cancer Compassionate Access Program request must be approved prior to treatment.1
Restricted funding*2  

Eligibility (Abiraterone + Prednisone)1:

  • Patients with mCRPC who are chemotherapy-naïve OR have received prior chemotherapy containing docetaxel
    • ECOG PS 0-2
    • Life expectancy > 3 months
  • Patients can receive abiraterone (UGUPENZ) OR enzalutamide (UGUPABI, but not sequential use of these agents  


  • Active or symptomatic viral hepatitis or chronic liver disease
  • History of adrenal dysfunction
  • Clinically significant heart disease (LVEF < 50% at baseline)
  • Previously received abiraterone, enzalutamide or apalutamide for mCSPC
  • Previously received apalutamide, enzalutamide or darolutamide in nmCRPC  


  • Bilirubin > 1.5 x ULN, ALT > 2.5 x ULN
  • Uncontrolled hypertension  

*Restricted funding is reimbursed for approved indications only. Completion of the BC Cancer Compassionate Access Program Application (formerly Undesignated Indication Form) is necessary to provide the appropriate clinical information for each patient.

  1. BC Cancer Protocol UGUPABI [2-22] 
  2. BC Cancer Benefit Drug List [3-22]

Janssen (Janssen BioAdvance Patient Assistance Program): Access Here
JAMP (JAMP Care): Access Here
Sentrex Health Solutions: Access Here
Pharma-science: Access Here
Apotex: Access Here
ApoAssist: Access Here

Abiraterone (Zytiga) Janssen Inc. Generic mCSPC


Not specified

A BC Cancer Compassionate Access Program request must be approved prior to treatment.
Restricted funding*2  

Eligibility (Abiraterone + Prednisone)1:

  • Patients with mCSPC who are either chemotherapy-naïve OR received prior chemotherapy containing docetaxel
    • No prior ADT or ADT for < 6 months for mCSPC
  • Should have ECOG PS 0-2
  • Should have serum potassium > 3.5 mmol/L

Note: Patients treated with abiraterone for mCSPC and develop mCRPC are eligible to receive enzalutamide (but not abiraterone)  
Caution1: Uncontrolled hypertension (systolic blood pressure > 160 mmHg or diastolic > 95 mmHg)  

*Restricted funding is reimbursed for approved indications only. Completion of the BC Cancer Compassionate Access Program Application (formerly Undesignated Indication Form) is necessary to provide the appropriate clinical information for each patient.

  1. BC Cancer Protocol UGUMCSPABI [2-22]
  2. BC Cancer Benefit Drug List [3-22]

Janssen (Janssen BioAdvance Patient Assistance Program): Access Here   
JAMP (JAMP Care): Access Here 
Sentrex Health Solutions: Access Here 
Pharma-science: Access Here 
Apotex: Access Here 
ApoAssist: Access Here

Alendronate Generic Osteoporosis

10 mg, 70 mg, 70mg/ 5600 IU VitD3 Tablet


Limited coverage drug requiring Special Authority Request Form2


  • Clinical or radiographically documented fracture due to osteoporosis, OR
  • Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis in patients who are receiving or expected to receive the equivalent dose of ≥ 7.5 mg of prednisone per day and for ≥ 90 consecutive days
  1. BC Pharmacare Formulary [3-22] 
  2. Limited Coverage Drug Program [3-22]

Apotex: Access Here

Apalutamide (Erleada) Janssen Inc. nmCRPC

Tablet, PO, 60mg, 240mg


A BC Cancer Compassionate Access Program request must be approved prior to treatment.1

Restricted funding*2


  • Patients with nmCRPC who meet the following criteria:
  • Chemotherapy naïve
  • ECOG PS 0-2
  • PSADT ≤ 10 months
  • No radiologic evidence of metastates (negative bone scan, negative CT of pelvis, abdomen, chest)
  • Patients with nmCRPC are eligible to receive one of apalutamide (UGUPAPA), darolutamide (UGUNMPDAR), or enzalutamide (UGUNMPENZ, UGUPENZ), but not their sequential use
  • Patients who have progressed on apalutamide in nmCRPC (UGUPAPA):
  • Are eligible to receive docetaxel (GUPDOC) and/or cabazitaxel in mCRPC
  • Are NOT eligible to receive enzalutamide (UGUPENZ) or abiraterone (UGUPABI) in mCRPC


  • Patients with mCRPC
  • Prior enzalutamide or darolutamide in nmCRPC
  • Uncontrolled hypertension (systolic BP > 160 mmHg or diastolic > 95 mmHg)

*Restricted funding is reimbursed for approved indications only. Completion of the BC Cancer Compassionate Access Program Application (formerly Undesignated Indication Form) is necessary to provide the appropriate clinical information for each patient.

**60 mg tablet funded, 240 mg tablet pending provincial funding decision.

  1. BC Cancer Protocol UGUPAPA [8-21] 
  2. BC Cancer Benefit Drug List [3-22]

Janssen BioAdvance Patient Assistance Program: Access Here

Apalutamide (Erleada) Janssen Inc. mCRPC

Tablet, PO, 60mg, 240mg


A BC Cancer Compassionate Access Program request must be approved prior to treatment. 1  

Restricted funding*2

Patients with mCSPC who meet the following criteria:

  • Chemotherapy naïve OR received prior chemotherapy containing docetaxel
  • No prior ADT or ADT for < 6 months for mCSPC immediately prior to starting current protocol
  • Should have ECOG PS 0-2
  • Should have serum potassium > 3.5 mmol/L

Patients treated with apalutamide for mCSPC and develop mCRPC are NOT eligible to receive abiraterone or enzalutamide 

*Restricted funding is reimbursed for approved indications only. Completion of the BC Cancer Compassionate Access Program Application (formerly Undesignated Indication Form) is necessary to provide the appropriate clinical information for each patient.

**60 mg tablet funded, 240 mg tablet pending provincial funding decision.

  1. BC Cancer Protocol UGUMCSPAPA [12-21] 
  2. BC Cancer Benefit Drug List [3-22]

Janssen BioAdvance Patient Assistance Program: Access Here


Darolutamide (Nubeqa) Bayer nmCRPC


Not specified

Restricted funding* 


Patients must have: 

  • Non-metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer (nmCRPC) 
  • No radiologic evidence of metastases (negative bone scan, negative CT of pelvis, abdomen, chest) within the last 6 months (exception: pelvic lymph nodes < 2 cm in short axis below the aortic bifurcation) 
  • A BC Cancer “Compassionate Access Program” (CAP) request must be approved prior to treatment. 
  • No prior chemotherapy for nmCRPC 
  • PSADT ≤ 10 months 
  • Should have ECOG PS 0 to 2 



  • Patients with nmCRPC are eligible to receive apalutamide (UGUPAPA), darolutamide (UGUNMPDAR) or enzalutamide (UGUNMPENZ/UGUNPENZ), but not sequentially. 
  • Patients who have progressed to mCRPC on darolutamide (UGUNMPDAR) are eligible to received docetaxel (GUPDOC), cabazitaxel (GUPCABA) and radium (GUPRAD) 
  • Patients who have progressed to mCRPC on darolutamide (UGUNMPDAR) are not eligible to receive enzalutamide (UGUPENZ) or abiraterone (UGUPABI) 



  • Patients with mCRPC (exception: pelvic lymph nodes < 2 cm in short axis below the aortic bifurcation) 
  • Prior treatment for nmCRPC with apalutamide (UGUPAPA) or enzalutamide (UGUNMPENZ) 
  • Prior chemotherapy for nmCRPC 
  • Reimbursed for approved indications only. Completion of the BC Cancer Compassionate Access Program Application is necessary to provide the appropriate clinical information for each patient.
  1. BC Cancer Protocol UGUNMPDAR [8-21]
  2. BC Cancer Benefit Drug List [3-22]

NUBEQA® DART Patient Support Program: 

Toll free:1-833-955-3278



Darolutamide (Nubeqa) Bayer mCSPC


Not Specified

Restricted funding*

ELIGIBILITY (in combination with DOCEtaxel): 
Patients must have:

  • Metastatic castration sensitive prostate cancer (mCSPC),
  • No prior systemic treatment for metastatic prostate cancer (excluding ADT*), and
  • A BC Cancer “Compassionate Access Program” (CAP) request must be approved prior to treatment.

*Previous ADT permitted if patient received:

  • Less than 6 months of androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) for mCSPC immediately prior to starting this protocol, and
  • No ADT for adjuvant treatment of non-metastatic prostate cancer within 1 year of starting this protocol 

Patients should have:

  • Fitness for treatment containing DOCEtaxel,
  • Good performance status, and
  • Total bilirubin less than ULN, AST/ALT less than 5 x ULN, alkaline phosphatase less than 6 x ULN 


  • Patients currently being treated with GUPDOCADT who have not progressed, may switch to UGUMCSPDD if all other eligibility criteria are met
  • Patients with mCSPC are eligible to receive any of the following, but not their sequential use:
    • apalutamide (GUMCSPAPA),
    • enzalutamide (GUMCSPENZ),
    • abiraterone (GUMCSPABI), or
    • darolutamide + DOCEtaxel (UGUMCSPDD)
  • Patients treated with darolutamide for mCSPC who develop castration resistant disease are NOT eligible to receive abiraterone (UGUPABI) or enzalutamide (UGUPENZ)
  • Initiation of darolutamide without DOCEtaxel is not funded

Patients must not have:

  • Completed adjuvant treatment (i.e., prior UGUPAJABI) for prostate cancer less than 1 year prior to initiation of UGUMCSPDD

*Reimbursed for approved indications only. Completion of the BC Cancer Compassionate Access Program Application is necessary to provide the appropriate clinical information for each patient. 

BC Cancer Protocol UGUMCSPDD

BC Cancer Benefit Drug List

NUBEQA® DART Patient Support Program:

Toll free: 1-833-955-3278

Fax: 1-877-208-4393


Denosumab (Prolia) Amgen Osteoporosis

60 mg / Syr


Limited coverage drug requiring Special Authority Request Form2


  • Men with osteoporosis AND
  • Clinical or radiographically-documented fracture due to osteoporosis
  • Contraindication to oral bisphosphonates for one of the following reasons:
  • immune-mediated hypersensitivity reaction to oral bisphosphonates OR
  • abnormalities of the esophagus which delay esophageal emptying such as stricture or achalasia
  1. BC Pharmacare Formulary [3-22] 
  2. Limited Coverage Drug Program [3-22]

ProVital Program: Access Here

Denosumab (Xgeva) Amgen mCRPC + Bone mets

120 mg / 1.7 mL Vial


Covered by BC Pharmacare Plan P (Palliative Drug Benefit). Application form must be submitted prior to treatment initiation2

BC Palliative Care Benefit Application


  • Patients with mCRPC with bone metastases
  • Evidence of castration resistance (progressive disease despite testosterone < 1.7 nmol/L)
  • As a supportive care medication, denosumab is not covered by BC Cancer Agency but may be reimbursed by private insurance plans
  1. BC Pharmacare Formulary
  2. BC Cancer Protocol SCDMAB [5-14]

The VICTORY Program: Access Here

Enzalutamide (Xtandi) Astellas mCRPC


Not specified

A BC Cancer Compassionate Access Program request must be approved prior to treatment.1

Restricted funding*2


  • Patients with mCRPC who meet the following criteria:
  • Chemotherapy-naïve OR received prior chemotherapy containing docetaxel
  • Should have ECOG PS 0-2
  • Should have life expectancy > 3 months
  • Patients treated with abiraterone for mCSPC (UGUMCSPABI) are eligible to receive enzalutamide (UGUPENZ) for mCRPC
  • Patients can receive either enzalutamide (UGUPENZ) or abiraterone (UGUPABI) in mCRPC but not sequential use of these agents


  • Previously received enzalutamide, apalutamide or darolutamide for nmCRPC
  • Previously received enzalutamide or apalutamide for mCSPC


  • Uncontrolled hypertension

*Restricted funding is reimbursed for approved indications only. Completion of the BC Cancer Compassionate Access Program Application (formerly Undesignated Indication Form) is necessary to provide the appropriate clinical information for each patient.

  1. BC Cancer Protocol UGUPENZ [12-21]  
  2. BC Cancer Benefit Drug List [3-22]

Xtandi Patient Assistance Program (XPAP): 

Patient Enrolment and Consent Form (English

Formulaire D’inscription et de Consentement du Patient (French


Enzalutamide (Xtandi) Astellas nmCRPC




  • ECOG performance status 0-2 

  • Patients with non-metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer (nmCRPC) who are chemotherapy naïve 

  • Patients with nmCRPC with a PSA doubling time of less or equal to 10 months. 

  • Patients with no radiologic evidence of metastases (negative bone scan, negative CT of pelvis, abdomen, chest) 

  • Patients with nmCRPC are eligible to receive one of apalutamide (UGUPAPA), darolutamide (UGUNMPDAR), or enzalutamide (UGUNMPENZ, UGUPENZ), but not their sequential use 

  • Patients who have progressed on enzalutamide in nmCRPC (UGUNMPENZ) 

  • Are eligible to receive DOCEtaxel (GUPDOC) and/or cabazitaxel in metastatic CRPC  

  • Are NOT eligible to receive enzalutamide (UGUPENZ) or abiraterone (UGUPABI) in metastatic CRPC 

  • A BC Cancer “Compassionate Access Program” (CAP) request must be approved prior to treatment 



  • Metastatic prostate cancer 

  • Prior treatment with apalutamide (UGUPAPA) or darolutamide (UGUNMDAR) in nmCRPC 

  • Uncontrolled hypertension (systolic blood pressure greater than 160 mmHg or diastolic greater than 95 mmHg) 



  • Baseline: CBC and differential, platelets, creatinine, sodium, potassium, blood pressure 

  • Patients at risk for electrolyte abnormality and QTc prolongation: ECG 

  • Each time seen by physician: PSA, blood pressure. 

  • If clinically indicated: creatinine, sodium, potassium, ECG 

  1. BC Cancer Protocol Summary for Therapy for Non-Metastatic Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer Using Enzalutamide 


    BC Cancer Benefit Drug List [3-22] 

Xtandi Patient Assistance Program (XPAP): 

Patient Enrolment and Consent Form (English

Formulaire D’inscription et de Consentement du Patient (French


Enzalutamide (Xtandi) Astellas mCSPC




Patients must have:  

  • metastatic castration sensitive prostate cancer (mCSPC) who are either: 

  • chemotherapy naïve or have received prior chemotherapy containing DOCEtaxel 


  • no prior androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) or have received ADT for not more than 6 months for metastatic castration sensitive prostate cancer (mCSPC) immediately prior to starting current protocol 

Patients should have: 

  • ECOG performance status 0-2 

  • Serum potassium greater than 3.5 mmol/L 



  • Patients treated with enzalutamide for mCSPC and develop castration resistant disease are:  

  • NOT eligible to receive abiraterone (UGUPABI)  


  • Baseline: CBC and differential, platelets, creatinine, sodium, potassium, blood pressure 

  • Patients at risk for electrolyte abnormality and QTc prolongation: ECG 

  • Each time seen by physician: PSA, blood pressure. 

  • If clinically indicated: creatinine, sodium, potassium, ECG 

BC Cancer Protocol Summary for Treatment for Metastatic Castration Sensitive Prostate Cancer using Enzalutamide  


BC Cancer Benefit Drug List [3-22] 

Xtandi Patient Assistance Program (XPAP): 

Patient Enrolment and Consent Form (English

Formulaire D’inscription et de Consentement du Patient (French


Niraparib and abiraterone acetate (AKEEGA®) Janssen Inc. mCRPC

Dual-action tablet, PO/ Comprimé à double action, PO: 100mg niraparib/500mg abiraterone acetate


Pending provincial funding decision


Janssen BioAdvance Patient Assistance Program: Access Here

Olaparib (Lynparza) AstraZeneca mCRPC

100 mg tab | 150 mg tab

100mg: 02475200 | 150mg: 02475219

BC Cancer Protocol Summary for Treatment of Metastatic CastrationResistant Prostate Cancer using Olaparib   

Patients must have:  

  • Metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC),  
  • Deleterious germline and/or somatic mutations in homologous recombination repair genes BRCA 1/2 or ATM  
  • Progressed on prior ARAT (androgen receptor-axis-targeted) therapy – enzalutamide, abiraterone/predniSONE, apalutamide or darolutamide in the metastatic castration sensitive (mCSPC), nonmetastatic castration-resistant (nmCRPC), or metastatic castration-resistant (mCRPC) prostate cancer setting with or without prior taxane chemotherapy  
  • A BC Cancer “Compassionate Access Program” (CAP) approval prior to treatment 

Patients should have:  

  • Performance status ECOG 0-2 

BC Cancer Protocol Summary

AstraZeneca Patient Support Program: Access Here

AstraZeneca Patient Assistance Program: Access Here