CUA - Drug Access Listing

Drug Access Listing

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Oral agents and Outpatient Injections



Medications that are taken at home may be covered by the provincial drug benefit plan or by private insurance plans.


RAMQ List of Medications: Click Here  

(Brand Name)
Indication Strength, Route DIN Provincial Funding Eligibility Criteria References Patient Assistance Programs
Abiraterone (Zytiga) Janssen Inc. mCSPC



No listing as of Mar. 2022


Janssen (Janssen BioAdvance Patient Assistance Program):

Abiraterone (Zytiga) Janssen Inc. mCRPC

250 mg PO / 500 mg PO


Exceptional medication with recognized indications for payment


  • For patients with mCRPC, in combination with prednisone
  • Asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic after an anti-androgen treatment has failed, AND
  • Never received docetaxel-based chemotherapy, AND
  • ECOG PS is 0 or 1
  • For patients with mCRPC, in combination with prednisone, AND
  • Disease has progressed during or following docetaxel-based chemotherapy, unless there is a contraindication or a serious intolerance, AND
  • ECOG PS is ≤ 2


  • The maximum duration of each authorization is four months
  • When requesting continuation of treatment, the physician must provide evidence of a beneficial clinical effect by the absence of disease progression
  • It must be noted that abiraterone is not authorized after failure with an androgen synthesis inhibitor or a second-generation ARI if it was administered for treatment of prostate cancer
  • Abiraterone remains covered by the basic prescription drug insurance plan for those insured persons having used this drug in the three months before 10 July 2019, insofar as the physician provides evidence of a beneficial clinical effect by the absence of disease progression.
  1. RAMQ List of Medications [3-22]

Janssen (Janssen BioAdvance Patient Assistance Program):

Abiraterone Generic mCSPC

No listing as of Mar. 2022 / Non répertorié en mars 2022 




Sentrex Health Solutions: 





Abiraterone Generic mCRPC

250 mg PO 

500 mg PO 


Exceptional medication with recognized indications for payment 



For patients with mCRPC, in combination with prednisone 

  • Asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic after an anti-androgen treatment has failed, AND 

  • Never received docetaxel-based chemotherapy, AND 

  • ECOG PS is 0 or 1 

  • For patients with mCRPC, in combination with prednisone, AND 

  • Disease has progressed during or following docetaxel-based chemotherapy, unless there is a contraindication or a serious intolerance, AND 

  • ECOG PS is ≤ 2 



  • The maximum duration of each authorization is four months 

  • When requesting continuation of treatment, the physician must provide evidence of a beneficial clinical effect by the absence of disease progression 

  • It must be noted that abiraterone is not authorized after failure with an androgen synthesis inhibitor or a second-generation ARI if it was administered for treatment of prostate cancer 

  • Abiraterone remains covered by the basic prescription drug insurance plan for those insured persons having used this drug in the three months before 10 July 2019, insofar as the physician provides evidence of a beneficial clinical effect by the absence of disease progression 


  • Critère d'éligibilité1: 

  • en association avec la prednisone pour le traitement du cancer de la prostate métastatique résistant à la castration, chez les personnes : 

  • asymptomatiques ou légèrement symptomatiques après l’échec d’un traitement anti-androgénique; et 

  • n’ayant jamais reçu de chimiothérapie à base de docetaxel; et 

  • dont le statut de performance selon l’ECOG est de 0 ou 1 

  • en association avec la prednisone pour le traitement du cancer de la prostate métastatique résistant à la castration, chez les personnes : 

  • dont la maladie a progressé pendant ou à la suite d’une chimiothérapie à base de docetaxel à moins d’une contre-indication ou d’une intolérance sérieuse; et 

  • présentant un statut de performance selon l’ECOG de 0 à 2. 





La durée maximale de chaque autorisation est de 4 mois. 

Lors des demandes pour la poursuite du traitement, le médecin devra fournir la preuve d’un effet clinique bénéfique par l’absence de progression de la maladie. 

Il est à noter que l’abiratérone n’est pas autorisée à la suite d’un échec avec un inhibiteur de la synthèse des androgènes ou un inhibiteur du récepteur des androgènes de seconde génération s’ils ont été administrés pour le traitement du cancer de la prostate. 

Toutefois, l’abiratérone demeure couverte par le Régime général d’assurance médicaments pour les personnes assurées ayant utilisé ce médicament au cours des 3 mois précédant le 10 juillet 2019, en autant que le médecin fournisse la preuve d’un effet bénéfique par l’absence de la progression de la maladie. 


  1. RAMQ List of Medications  

  2. Liste des medicaments 




Sentrex Health Solutions: 





Alendronate Generic Osteoporosis

5 mg PO | 10 mg PO | 70 mg PO


  • Bone resorption inhibitor
  1. RAMQ List of Medications [3-22]

Apotex: Access Here

Apalutamide (Erleada) Janssen Inc. nmCRPC

Tablet, PO, 60mg, 240mg

60mg: 02478374 

240mg: 02540185 

Exceptional medication 


  • Patients with nmCRPC 
    • At high risk of developing distant metastases (PSADT ≤ 10 months) despite an androgenic deprivation treatment, AND 
    • Whose ECOG PS is 0 or 1 


  • The maximum duration of each authorization is four months 
  • When requesting continuation of treatment, the physician must provide evidence of a beneficial clinical effect defined by the absence of disease progression 
  1. RAMQ List of Medications [3-22]

Janssen BioAdvance Patient Assistance Program: Access Here

Apalutamide (Erleada) Janssen Inc. mCSPC

Tablet, PO, 60mg, 240mg

60mg: 02478374 

240mg: 02540185 

Exceptional medication


In association with ADT, for the treatment of mCSPC, in persons:

  • Whose ECOG PS is 0 or 1, AND
    • Who have not received an ADT for > 3 years for a localized prostate cancer; OR
    • Who have not received an ADT for > 6 months for a metastatic prostate cancer


  • The maximum duration of each authorization is four months
  • When requesting continuation of treatment, the physician must provide evidence of a beneficial clinical effect by the absence of disease progression.
  • Apalutamide is not authorized following failure with an androgen synthesis inhibitor or a second-generation ARI if they have been administered to treat prostate cancer

**60 mg tablet funded, 240 mg tablet pending provincial funding decision

  1. RAMQ List of Medications [3-22]

Janssen BioAdvance Patient Assistance Program: Access Here

Darolutamide (Nubeqa) Bayer nmCRPC

300 mg PO



Exceptional Medication 

For treatment of non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (nmCRPC), in persons: 

  • at high risk of developing distant metastases despite an androgenic deprivation treatment. High risk is defined as a prostate specific antigen doubling time equal to or less than 10 months; and 

  • whose ECOG performance status is 0 or 1. 

  • The maximum duration of each authorization is four months. 

  • When requesting continuation of treatment, the physician must provide evidence of a beneficial clinical effect defined by the absence of disease progression 

List of Medications

NUBEQA® DART Patient Support Program: 

Toll free:  






Darolutamide (Nubeqa) Bayer mCSPC

300 mg PO


Exceptional medication


  • In combination with docetaxel and androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) for the treatment of metastatic castration-sensitive prostate cancer in people:
    • Who have not received ADT for more than 6 months for the treatment of prostate cancer; and
    • Whose ECOG performance status is 0 or 1.
  • Notes:
    • The maximum duration of each authorization is four months.
    • When requesting continuation of treatment, the physician must provide evidence of a beneficial clinical effect defined by the absence of disease progression.
    • It is worth noting that darolutamide is not authorized following the failure of an androgen synthesis inhibitor or a second-generation androgen receptor inhibitor if they have been administered for the treatment of prostate cancer.
  • For the continuation of treatment of metastatic castration-sensitive prostate cancer, in persons having received a treatment associating darolutamide, an androgen deprivation therapy, and docetaxel in a hospital during 6 treatment cycles of 21 days or for whom docetaxel had to be stopped due to a serious intolerance.

RAMQ List of Medications

NUBEQA® DART Patient Support Program: 

Toll free:1-833-955-3278



Denosumab (Jubbonti) Sandoz Non-metastatic prostate cancer receiving ADT + high bone fracture risk

60 mg / Syr Injection 





Drug Access Canada - Haven by Sentrex 

Denosumab (Prolia) Amgen Osteoporosis

S.C. Inj. Sol. (syr) 60 mg/ml


Exceptional medication


  • Osteoporosis in men at high risk of fracture who cannot receive an oral bisphosphonate because of serious intolerance or a contraindication.
  1. RAMQ List of Medications [3-22]

ProVital Program: Access Here

Denosumab (Wyost) Sandoz mCRPC + high risk of skeletal-related events

Inj. Sol.  
120 mg /1.7mL 





Drug Access Canada - Haven by Sentrex 

Denosumab (Xgeva) Amgen mCRPC + Bone mets

Inj. Sol. 120 mg /1.7mL


Exceptional medication


  • Prevention of bone events in persons suffering from mCRPC with at least one bone metastasis


  1. RAMQ List of Medications [3-22]

The VICTORY Program: Access Here

Enzalutamide (Xtandi) Astellas nmCRPC

40 mg capsule


For treatment of non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer, in persons: 

  • exposed to a high risk of developing metastases despite an androgen deprivation treatment. High risk is defined by a prostate-specific antigen doubling time ≤ 10 months; 


  • whose ECOG performance status is 0 or 1. 


The maximum duration of each authorization is four months 


When requesting continuation of treatment, the physician must provide evidence of a beneficial clinical effect defined by the absence of disease progression 

RAMQ List of Exceptional Medications With Recognized Indications for Payment 

Xtandi Patient Assistance Program (XPAP): 

Patient Enrolment and Consent Form (English)

Formulaire D’inscription et de Consentement du Patient (Français)


Enzalutamide (Xtandi) Astellas mCSPC

40 mg capsule


In association with an androgen deprivation therapy (ADT), for treatment of metastatic castration-sensitive prostate cancer, in persons whose ECOG performance status is 0 or 1: 

  • who have not received an ADT for more than three years for the treatment of localized prostate cancer; 


  • who have not received an ADT for more than six months for the treatment of metastatic prostate cancer. 


The maximum duration of each authorization is four months. 


When requesting continuation of treatment, the physician must provide evidence of a beneficial clinical effect by the absence of disease progression. 


It must be noted that enzalutamide is not authorized following failure with an androgen synthesis inhibitor or a second-generation androgen receptor inhibitor if they have been administered to treat prostate cancer. 

RAMQ List of Exceptional Medications With Recognized Indications for Payment 

Xtandi Patient Assistance Program (XPAP): 

Patient Enrolment and Consent Form (English)

Formulaire D’inscription et de Consentement du Patient (Français)

Enzalutamide (Xtandi) Astellas mCRPC

40 mg PO


Exceptional medication


  • For the treatment of mCRPC in persons:
    • Whose cancer progressed during or following docetaxel-based chemotherapy, unless there is a contraindication or serious intolerance, AND
    • ECOG PS is ≤ 2
  • For the treatment of mCRPC in persons:
    • Who are Asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic after an anti-androgen treatment has failed, AND
      • Never received docetaxel-based chemotherapy, AND
      • ECOG PS is 0 or 1


  • The maximum duration of each authorization is four months.
  • When requesting continuation of treatment, the physician must provide evidence of a beneficial clinical effect by the absence of disease progression
  • Enzalutamide is not authorized after failure with an androgen synthesis inhibitor or a second-generation ARI if it was administered for treatment of prostate cancer.
  1. RAMQ List of Medications [3-22]

Xtandi Patient Assistance Program (XPAP): 

Patient Enrolment and Consent Form (English)

Formulaire D’inscription et de Consentement du Patient (Français)


Niraparib and abiraterone acetate (AKEEGA®) Janssen Inc. mCRPC

Dual-action tablet, PO/ Comprimé à double action, PO: 100mg niraparib/500mg abiraterone acetate


Pending provincial funding decision


Janssen BioAdvance Patient Assistance Program: Access Here

Olaparib (Lynparza) AstraZeneca mCRPC

100 mg tab | 150 mg tab

100mg: 02475200 | 150mg: 02475219

Listed as of April 2022 

Recognized indication for payment 

  • In monotherapy, for the treatment of metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer in persons:   
    • with a germline or somatic BRCA mutation and 
    • whose disease progressed during or following treatment with a second-generation androgen receptor inhibitor or androgen synthesis inhibitor; and 
    • with an ECOG performance status of 0-2 

Each authorization is for a maximum period of 4 months. 


When requesting continuation of treatment, proof of a clinical benefit by the absence of disease progression must be provided. 


AstraZeneca Patient Support Program: Access Here
AstraZeneca Patient Assistance Program: Access Here

Orgovyx (Relugolix) Sumitomo Pharma Canada Advanced CRPC/CSPC

200/400mg tablet 


Pending (Positive CDA decision: relugolix | CDA-AMC)  


Copay cards available from manufacturer